This Guide is for your education and enjoyment — please don’t charge anyone for it!
  This file may be distributed via electronic media providing no elemental part of
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The Author
Ray White was born in Shoreham, Sussex, England in 1952. He graduated in electrical and electronic engineering at Portsmouth Polytechnic and joined the British Broadcasting Corporation in 1973. Six years later he became Senior Engineer at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop where he planned the installation and maintenance of six electronic music studios, all equipped with Macintosh computers. He left the BBC in 1993 to pursue a different lifestyle.
My thanks to all who have contributed to this Guide, even those not aware of doing so! None of the graphics in this Guide have been knowingly taken from any copyright source — apart from trade marks and icons of recommended products. If your copyright has been broken, albeit accidentally, please accept my unreserved apologies. Perhaps you can take consolation in the fact that the author hasn’t gained anything from it either!
Special thanks to:-
Paul Downey at 1st Temptation Computers Ltd Canterbury , England — for his encouragement
Christopher Allen for his picture of an IBM Personal Computer
Green Mountain Software for DOCMaker, without which this Guide would not have been possible
Ian Robinson at Stormont Software Belfast , N Ireland — for his excellent shareware distribution service
Chuck Walker for his classic graphics
Ron & Dorothy Dennis for support, fellowship and coffee
and particular thanks to Ray Riley for over 14 years of down-to-earth assistance at the Workshop
— not forgetting those who provided some very useful freeware icons!
A Puzzle for Life?
This secret sign was scratched on a wall at Pompeii, shortly before the city was engulfed by volcanic ash in the year AD79. What does it mean?
The letters that make up this palindrome can also be arranged to form a different shape (TENET is the clue) made up of two identical words, of special importance, surrounded by two pairs of letters, also of significance. Who scratched the sign on the wall?
This entire DOCMaker file, entitled FREE Guide • Macintosh, hereinafter called the GUIDE, being the copyright of the author alone, may be freely distributed via any electronic medium providing that no elemental part, either of text or graphics, is extracted, modified, printed or reproduced in any form whatsoever. This GUIDE, or any part of it in any form, must not be used for the purpose of financial gain, except where it is distributed in its entirety as part of a collection of software, in which case any gain must be made by virtue of the media on which it is carried. Failure to observe any of the aforementioned restrictions will constitute an infringement of the author’s copyright.
Any trade marks, icons, symbols or other graphics which appear in this GUIDE, although used without the express permission of the owners, have not been knowingly used for any purpose other than to endorse the products of those companies or individuals concerned. The author makes no claims concerning the rights of any material contained within this GUIDE where specific rights remain with other owners and does not grant any rights to use the aforementioned material unless it is given with the express consent of those rightful owners.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned copyright restrictions, the author permits individuals to extract by means of a screen-shot any portion of material required for genuine study. Furthermore, any publisher may quote up to one hundred words of text providing that each quotation is accompanied by an acknowledgement to the author and to the GUIDE. The author reserves the right to withdraw either of the aforementioned copyright waivers at any time.
The information provided in the GUIDE is supplied in good faith, but no responsibility will be accepted for any consequences of actions taken as a result of reading the GUIDE. Any views expressed in the GUIDE are those of the author alone and do not indicate the opinions of any other company or individual mentioned within it.
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Apple, AppleScript, AppleShare, LaserWriter, Macintosh, Mac, Mac OS, QuickDraw, QuickDraw GX, QuickTime and StyleWriter are trade marks of Apple Computer, Inc. UNIX is a trade mark of Novell, Inc. MS-DOS is a trade mark of Microsoft. Intel Inside and Pentium are trade marks of the Intel Corporation.
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